Merci Agathe. L'association pois cassés/noix de coco est devenue une de mes classiques depuis que je l'ai essayée un jour. Kyh, thanks. It is burgers made mainly with split peas, coconut and curry.
Hey... Seems to be a really good blog, but can't understand the language... I guess you can use Google Translate function to reach people like me... :-)
Hi Navrang, Thanks for your visit on my blog. I understand how frustrating it can be when a blog isn't written in your language. Unfortunately google translation doesn't work so good. I try as much to give a English translation when I publish recipes on my blog, but sometimes I don't have the time, sorry. When I publish recipes on magazines, and so just include the links on my blog, I can't publish any English translations, sorry again.
Créatrice et auteure culinaire, je me passionne pour l'ingrédient végétal et ses innombrables facettes. Mes recettes allient la simplicité d'une cuisine saine et écologique aux exigences gastronomiques. Elles se frottent à l'exotisme, s'aventurent sur des terrains plus expérimentaux et, toujours, cherchent à enchanter les papilles. Depuis 2009, je travaille en collaboration avec Fredrik Fälth, pour les prises de photos. Un e-book "Cuisine française Végane" est téléchargeable depuis ce blog. Tandis que mes deux derniers livres, Veggie Burger et Fromages végétaux, sont parus en 2011 aux Editions LaPlage.
Culinary creator and writer, I'm passionate about vegetable ingredients, and their limitless facets. My recipes combine the simplicity of a healthy and ecological cuisine, with the requirements of gastronomy. They flirt with exoticism and exciting experimental ideas, and always aim to please the taste buds. Since 2009, I collaborate with food photographer Fredrik Fälth. An e-book, Cuisine Française Végane, is available for download. My last books, Veggie Burger and Fromages végétaux, are just released, from the LaPlage publishing house. View My Complete Profile
En librairie
(également dans la
boutique de L214, aux côtés de livres, affiches, auto-collants, badges, cartes postales, DVD et autres docs que je conseille vivement)
9 commentaires:
Une bonne idée qui change pour les pois cassés, je garde dans un coin de ma tête, et le côté noix de coco... miam
Looks delicious! What is it? :)
Merci Agathe. L'association pois cassés/noix de coco est devenue une de mes classiques depuis que je l'ai essayée un jour.
Kyh, thanks. It is burgers made mainly with split peas, coconut and curry.
Une recette très gourmande, je vais la noter.
Belle, comme toujours, Virginie. Ça va bien?
Merci pour ces commentaires. Oui Urban Vegan je vais bien merci. Comme toi je me baigne dans la chaleur des pays tropicaux.
Seems to be a really good blog, but can't understand the language... I guess you can use Google Translate function to reach people like me... :-)
Hi Navrang,
Thanks for your visit on my blog. I understand how frustrating it can be when a blog isn't written in your language. Unfortunately google translation doesn't work so good. I try as much to give a English translation when I publish recipes on my blog, but sometimes I don't have the time, sorry. When I publish recipes on magazines, and so just include the links on my blog, I can't publish any English translations, sorry again.
Merci pour cette information interessante
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