English recipe : end of post
Weekend Herb Blogging # 67
Weekend Herb Blogging # 67

Pour 1 dizaine de litchis :
1 petite cuillérée d’huile de sésame
1 bonne cuillérée de crème de marrons
Pelez les litchis et faites-les revenir à la poêle dans l’huile de sésame. Mélangez avec la crème de marrons et servez.
For 10 lytchees * 1 dsp sesame oil * 1 heaped tbsp of chestnut cream (50% chestnut purée – 50% sugar + vanilla flavour)
Peel lytchees and fry them in sesame oil, in a pan. Mix with chestnut cream then serve.

Weekend Herb Blogging est un rendez-vous hebdomadaire et itinérant à l’initiative de Kalyn, de Kalyn’s Kitchen. Chaque week-end, des bloggers postent des recettes à base d'herbes, de fleurs et autres végétaux du jardin. Cette semaine, Ed de Tomato nous accueille. Pour lire son résumé, visitez son blog d’ici demain.
7 commentaires:
ça me semble vraiment délicieux, mais quelle idée de faire ça!!!bravo!
Excuse my coments in English. Although i can read French well my grammar is dreadful.Lychees are great and I can just imagine the jutoposition with the sesame oil which I can imagine would also lift the flovour of the chestnut. I have very fond memories of nantes from family holidays. Thanks for taking part in this Weekend Herb Blogging episode.
Merci pour vos commentaires à tous les deux. I didn't know you've been in Nantes, Ed ; I'm sure your french isn't so dreadful...
Interesting. I don't think I've eaten luchees. Anything with sesame oil would be good.
what a brilliant idea!!! YOur lychee recipe is really fantastic!
Une belle idée qui m'interesse
Thanks for your comments. Kalyn, Lytchees are quite common in France, nowadays, around christmas times. So I thought everybody would have tasted it. Next time I use them, I'll write some words about it, to discrite them a bit. But it may be next year...
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